IGO Pilot - Automated Guided Vehicle | New forklifts | altegra.co.uk
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IGO Pilot - Automated Guided Vehicle

The iGo pilot navigation leads the operator in a very narrow aisle truck along the quickest route to the desired location. The truck can detect its current position, measure the distance travelled and determines its current position in the aisle. The machine can be used RFID tags or barcodes.

Features and benefits

  • Any Customer Requirement: iGo pilot can read RFID tags and barcode labels.
  • Custom: Adapted to any very narrow-aisle warehouse.
  • Increase Productivity: Automatically navigates to its destination along the ideal route, regardless of knowledge of operator.
  • Ease of use: Destinations can be entered via scanner, terminal or from warehouse management system.
  • Precision: The truck moves to the exact pallet position.
  • Safe: Variety of safety functions, the driver assistant protects against shelves, building equipment and the truck from damage
  • Reduced downtime: Avoids impact damage and resulting repairs.
  • Efficient: Driver can concentrate on his core activity of retrieval and order picking.
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iGo Systems
RFID Tagging

RFID technology:

RFID transponders (8mm in diameter, 23mm in length) are placed at regular intervals in the floor and serve as orientation points. An RFID antenna at the base of the truck reads the transponders during the journey. The signals can provide its exact position using these signals combined with location data.

Barcode Technology

Barcode technology:

Using its optical reader, the truck detects these barcodes even at maximum speed. From this it can calculate the exact position within the shelving aisle from the data gathers and height measuring system. This application is ideal where precision is required.

iGO Pilot Navigation

Manual Input

Enters the storage location data in his drivers cab. The iGo navigation converts these coordinates for the truck and sets the ideal route.

Barcode Scanner

The barcode is read by an handheld barcode scanner. These coordinates are then converted for the truck by the iGo pilot navigation interface and used as the basis for the route.

Warehouse Management System

Depending on the level of sophistication and design of the EDP system, the driver can select the next order themselves or in more sophisticated solutions transmit the optimum order sequence.

Customer Specific Solution

Tailored solution based on your requirements.

iGo System
Dynamic Brake Assistant
iGo System
Collision Protection
iGo System
Local height limitation
iGo Systems
Location bases speed limit
iGo Systems
Steering locking outside of aisle

Automation solutions

OPX-L 12-1

iGo Neo

Semi-automated driving

Machines navigate partially autonomously or take over certain tasks.


iGO Systems

Self Driving Industrial Machines

Self-driving machines in a fully automated process.

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